The Birth of Step-In-Time Line Dancing Herefordshire
I started line dancing in 2015 as a means of meeting new people, getting some exercise and doing something that I hoped, at the time, that I would enjoy. It did not take me long to get the bug. I attended one class a week and found myself dancing the new dances I had learnt in every second of my free time. I was even learning dances that other members of the group knew, but weren't being taught, simply by watching and picking up the step sheet.
After 2 years of attending this class I found myself wanting more - more dances, more of a challenge. So I started attending other classes at a more advanced level, meeting more people who had the same love of line dancing that I had now acquired. I also started going to festivals, where, once again I started picking up more dances that I didn't know.
It was whilst attending these classes and festivals that I started helping out fellow line dancers to learn the steps of some of these new dances so they could also join in, and giving encouragement to people at the festivals who clearly wanted to join in the dances but didn't know what they were doing. That was when I thought about starting up my own classes.
There are very few classes for beginners, new to line dancing or who have been out of circulation for a while, in the area. Here was an opportunity for me to do something I love and bring new blood into the world of line dancing. I seized the moment, found some venues, became qualified to teach line dancing, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Anyone can line dance. Once you have learnt the basic step patterns learning new dances gets easier.
Why not give it a go, you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.